Why choose InteliDOX?
We have over 19 years experience in creating interfaces for the industry's largest Practice Management Systems (PMSs). If you're not ready to replace your PMS, we can retrieve data from it using the industry-standard HL7 specification, resulting in a seamless exchange of data with InteliDOX and allowing you to participate in MIPS and other CMS programs.
We have the tools to make the EHR transition quick and painless, and powerful reporting to make your data easy to utilize and understand.
Going Paperless Made Easy

for Transcription
InteliDOX for Transcription focuses on providing dictation and transcription solutions for hospitals, clinics and medical transcription companies. DOXdication Software manages transcription and dictation in house or over the Internet. Features include file management, security, tracking, reporting, billing, transcription templates and electronic signature. Contact an InteliDOX representative to discuss how we can meet your dictation or transcription needs.

for Scanning
Scanning current medical records is still an important and valuable process for bringing an EHR live. Businet offers a range of record storage and management software and services to help you gain more value from—and control over—your medical records by scanning your paper records to a secure server for quick access during the patient visit. InteliDOX has a unique and flexible indexing workflow that makes scanning historical medical records fast, reliable, and secure.

ezFile is medical back-office scanning software with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. It's a scalable solution that streamlines workflow and improves operational efficiency. ezFile significantly improves document confidentially, reduces the high costs of labor and printing associated with manual processes, and increases accessibility to business records such as patient EOBs, insurance forms, managed care contracts, credentialing information, and payroll and personnel records. ezFile is the ideal business office solution to manage large quantities of paper documents.
Online Demo
See InteliDOX or any of our other products in action!
Call us at 918.858.4440 x 102 or email us at sales@businet.com to arrange an online demonstration of one or more of the following software solutions: